Helena García López

Professional Profile

Academic Education

In Progress: PhD International program
Research focused on “Perinatal Mental Health in Ukrainian women in the context of the war in Ukraine” (UNED, Spain)
Specialist Degree in Perinatal Psychology
UNED (Spain)
2017 2019
Master in General Sanitary Psychology (Health Psychology)
Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA, Spain)
Expert Degree Child and Adolescent Clinical Neuropsychology
University of Málaga (UMA, Spain)
2013 2015
Master of Arts in Conflict Resolution
Portland State University, Oregon (U.S.A)
2004 2006
Master in Sexology (Couples Therapy)
Instituto de Sexología, Málaga (Spain)
2001 2005
Licenciate in Psychology (Clinical track)
(Equivalent to Bachelor´s and Master´s Degree)
University of Málaga (UMA, Spain)
Helena García López - Perfil Profesional

Continuing Education



Conflict Resolution Training: “Understanding and Transforming Stress”

United Nations Institute for Training and Research, UNITAR

Consequences of war conflicts in the child´s brain

Official Board of Psychologists and  Mental Health Therapists, Spain

Animal Therapy

FOCAD, General Counsel of Psychology in Spain

Videogames: problematic use and risk factors

FOCAD, General Counsel of Psychology in Spain

The importance of managing emotions in the field of organizational psychology

FOCAD, General Counsel of Psychology in Spain

Clinical Hipnosis

FOCAD, General Counsel of Psychology in Spain

Mentalization based therapy

FOCAD, General Counsel of Psychology in Spain

Filio-Parental Aggression and Violence

FOCAD, General Counsel of Psychology in Spain

Trauma Focused- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Medical University of South Carolina

Affective and Mood Disorders for Primary Care Professionals

Board of Medicine,        Málaga, Spain

Emotional Intelligence

Universidad de Málaga, Spain

Conflict Resolution Training: “Confronting trauma

United Nations Institute for Training and Research

The Conflict Resolution Series Training

  1. What is conflict,
  2. Conflict analysis
  3. From conflict to peace

United Nations Institute for Training and Research

Conflict Resolution Training: “The job of collaboration”

United Nations Institute for Training and Research, UNITAR

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

United Nations Institute for Training and Research, UNITAR

Introduction to humanitarian response in emergency. Humanitarian Crisis: preventing PTSD

Official Board of Psychologists and Mental Health Therapists, Spain

New challenges in a digital society: Sexting and online grooming in the adolescent population

FOCAD, Consejo de la Psicología de España

Psychological treatment of PTSD

FOCAD, General Counsel of Psychology in Spain

Mediation in Psychology

FOCAD, Consejo de la Psicología de España

Facing lost and grieving during childhood

FOCAD, General Counsel of Psychology in Spain

Therapeutic companionship on severe mental health disorders

FOCAD, General Counsel of Psychology in Spain

Autism Spectrum Disorder

FOCAD, General Counsel of Psychology in Spain

Motivational Interview

FOCAD, General Counsel of Psychology in Spain

I´m Coming out?: The role of grief and celebration in coming out across the lifespan

Board of Behavioral Sciences, State of California

Sexual abuse in childhood: clinical-forensic assessment and intervention

FOCAD,  General Counsel of Psychology in Spain

Sexual Abuse, Maltreatment, and Negligence in Families: Prevention and Treatment

Center for professional and academic training Carpe Diem, Cádiz, Spain

Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia

ADANER, Málaga, Spain

Enfrentando al trauma Unitar
El trabajo de la colaboración - Unitar
Entrenamiento en resolución de conflictos Unitar
What is conflict
from conflict to peace

Complementary Training in Work Experience

De forma complementaria y, bajo requisito de algunos puestos de trabajo que he desempeñado a lo largo de mi trayectoria profesional, tengo formación específica y relativa a aspectos muy diversos tales como:


Training in Anti-terrorism level I, Prevention of Discrimination and Sexual Violence, and specific training to develop my teaching work in the military context.


Training related to professional ethics such as the US Data Protection Act, HIPAA, employee privacy in the clinical setting, as well as training related to integrity in clinical practice and guidance on ethics in the clinical setting.


Training on work systems and resources in the hospital setting in the context of mental health, such as: Fraud, waste, and abuse of resources, Concurrent Documentation, Sending messaging in a secure manner, Progress Notes or Sexual Harassment Protocol among employees.


Specific training updated on a job-specific basis related to mental health: Mental Health Treatment Planning, Mandatory Reporting of Sexual Abuse, Specific training in the use of the DSM-5, Detection of Sexual Abuse and Harassment, and Domestic Violence, Levels of Care, & Assessment and Observation techniques in educational setting

Congresses, Conferences, Symposiums, Forums


Institution/Event: Proyecto UNED 50 in collaboration with “Women for Africa” (11/2023). Workshop: Perinatal Depression

Institution/Event: 1st Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference for the University National Taras Shevchenko in Kiev (Ukraine- Livestreamed, 10/2023). Workshop: “The clinical work with children exposed to traumatic events”.

Institution/Event: Perinatal Refugee and Immigrant Women Special Group of Interest Salon for The Marcé Society (10/2023). Workshop: Good Practices in Perinatal Mental Health for Women during Wars and Migrations”.

Institution/EventWorld Family Therapy Congress organized by The International Family Therapist Association (IFTA, 03/2023). Workshop 1: Working with unaccompanied migrant children in the U.S. 

Institution/EventWorld Family Therapy Congress organized by The International Family Therapist Association (IFTA, 03/2023). Workshop 2: Good Practices in Perinatal Mental Health for Women during Wars and Migrations: A Narrative Synthesis in the Context of the War in Ukraine


Institution/EventFaculty Seminar for University of de Maryland Global Campus (01/2023). Frontline Faculty: Raising Awareness and Supporting Students’ Mental Health



Member of Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Andalucia Oriental, COPAO (Board of Psychologists and Mental Health Therapists in Spain)Section of Clinical and Health Psychology


Member of the Cost Action (18138) “The Rise up Project” founded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Program of the European Union.


Member of the Cost Action (2214) “Treasure” (European Science and Technology Cooperation)


Member of The International Marce Society for Perinatal Mental Health.


Co-chair of the Special Group of Interest “Perinatal Mental health of Refugee and Immigrant Pregnant and Postpartum Women” at The International Marce Society.


Court Connected Mediators: Negotiation and Mediation Certificate (approved by The Oregon University System for Community Dispute Resolution Programs and the Oregon Judicial Department).


Accredited International Parent-Child Interaction Therapist (PCIT).

Credentials and Memberships